What Catholic Schools Must Change to Stay Open – Suggest Explorer

With high graduation rates, excellent sporting teams, and offering the best education possible that is in line with parents’ faith. Catholic schools have a graduation rate of about 99.9%, with around 86% of the graduates attending a four-year college. Catholic schools are tuition-based schools with the potential for the tax credit for tuition. Private schools tend to have a smaller student population and are more tightly knit. It all sounds wonderful But why has enrollment dropped dramatically over the last decade or two?

Some of these schools are struggling to stay in operation due to the lack of enrollment. What are these schools required to do to overcome these challenges?

This video from PBS investigates the changes that catholic schools must make to increase their the number of students they enroll. Check out this video to find out about the issues these schools face, and also what are some of actions that can be done to improve enrollments and get people interested back into catholic schools to their kids. Check out this video for a unique look at the challenges these schools are having to face.
